Lots of plants heading out!
Stock figs enjoying the outdoors.
Laden with fruit.
Mulberry full of fruit.
Mock orange, so fragrant!
Blossoms cascading down.
Happy flowers, happy bees!
Just beautiful!
Fruit peaking out everywhere.
The garden always in fruit and flower.
Hoping for a good grape year!
Farmers field nicely rowed.
Starting to climb.
Surviving the ‘June Drop’
Citrus looking good.
One citrus plant standing watch over the greenhouse.
Getting bigger!
Fig leaves in the sun.
Pomegranate looking lush (plants shown are sold).
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
A view from the back.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
Strawberry flowers.
Strawberry flowers.
Starting to finish.
Still going strong with bees.
Pink strawberry flowers.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
Bees working hard.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
Tulips starting to finish.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
Rhododendron budding out.
Lilac about to open.
More blossoms throughout the orchard.
On the cool days, the figs hide back indoors.
Citrus looking good! Ready to go after May 27th.
Citrus looking good! Ready to go after May 27th.
Citrus looking good! Ready to go after May 27th.
Greenhouse getting fuller.
New batches going outside!
Figs looking well.
Warner days mean more outside time.
Mulberry coming along nicely.
Breba crop looking good!
Baby grapefruit!
More orchard blossoms.
More orchard blossoms
Broccoli moved outside.
Freshly mowed rows.
Leaf coming out.
Front yards turn to blossom!
So pretty!
Beautiful large blooms.
More dainty petals.
Lovely clusters.
A view into the small greenhouse.
Looking lush!
Broccoli leafing out.
Next batch of lettuce.
Reaching tall.
Figs looking good.
Figs getting bigger.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
Earlier blossoms finishing up.
Earlier blossoms finishing up.
More blossoms in the orchard.
Earlier blossoms finishing up.
Earlier blossoms finishing up.
More blossoms in the orchard.
Earlier blossoms finishing up.
More blossoms in the orchard.
More blossoms in the orchard.
Gooseberries starting out!
Wildflowers by the pond
Pond full of frogs.
Citrus flushing out!
Citrus flushing out!
Citrus flushing out!
Citrus flushing out!
Babies flushing out in their new pots.
Babies flushing out in their new pots.
Newbies together.
Fruit starting on some of the citrus.
Buddhas hand forming (and available!).
A few strawberries just about ready.
Some lovely variegation.
Supplies ready for potting up!
New batch of Mulberry looking good.
Pomegranate waking up
First day outside for the new figs!
Just potted up cuttings.
Breba crop, Ficus Olympia.
Brieva crop, Ficus Olympia.
Citrus loving the warm day and sun!
Citrus loving the warm day and sun!
A garden friend.
First day opening the greenhouse door.
Citrus loving the warm day and sun!
Coffee looking good.
Fruit and shoots on our pineapple.
New arrivals freshy unpacked.
Baby Olives
Baby Bananas
Baby Barbados Cherry
Baby Black Pepper
Baby Pomegranate
More citrus
Broccoli just sprouting
Citrus loving the warm day and sun!
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Lots of buds starting to swell.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Orchard waking up.
Blueberries waking up.
Pomegranates waking up.
Stock fig plants waking up.
Fig cuttings looking good.
Good day for some plant clean up.
New growth peaking out everywhere!
A garden helper.
Guarding over the new Mulberry.
Next generation figs leafing out.
New Mulberry coming along.
Cucumber plants coming along nicely.
Oh, starting to grow!
A closer look.
Not quite ready to eat.
New leaves on the Pepper.
Next generation coffee looking good.
Figs and Pomegranates moved from the garage to the unheated greenhouse.
Bay leaf putting out new growth.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
A walk through the orchard, tiny buds to be found.
Looking across the rows.
A few hens peaking out.
From the outside, green peaking through the windows.
Fall fresh Raspberries. Bonus.
Peeling fresh picked Shenandoah PawPaw.
Dicing, some eaten now. Rest frozen for Winter breakfasts.
All PawPaw seeds now washed and dried. Will be stored in bag of wet peat in fridge over winter for Spring sowing.
Ficus Olympian fruit still ripening.
Short day Lettuce from William Dam. var-Larissa.
Tomato still going strong. Stokes, var- Cobra.
Cucumber also. Stokes, var Carmen.
Piper Nigrum drying nicely. Only half picked so far.
9. Decided to put edges around the trees to hold in the compost mulch.
Full row of Blueberries.
Top covers are Coir- Cocodisc 1m squares.
Perfect blue background.
Citrus looking refreshed.
Carambola Fwang Tung enjoying the Sun.
Always be Insect friendly.
Usually quite a few about.
Egg cases for next Spring.
They will be all over.
Three so far inside.
Keep a good look out when doing outside Fall clean up.
Yes still a lot about.
Leaving you their Egg cases for future pest control.
Egg Cases can be high or Low in the bushes.