
Garden Update and Photos!

Mid September, temperatures still into the 30’C, we need a couple of inches of rain and cooler temperatures to help the fruit trees get ready for fall. Just finished the Fall fertilizer application, so some rain would be very welcome. If none this week will have to irrigate for the fourth time, this will help disperse the fertilizer and firm up the late October fruits.

Cane & Berry fruits have done very well this year, we estimate we will have 2 years supply of juice and frozen Berries by the time we are finished. Our 25′ square vegetable plot has filled our freezer with Beans (bush & climbing), Broccoli, Carrots (still plenty in ground to last until Christmas), Leek, (still plenty in Ground to last until fall), Melons (still harvesting), Peas (still harvesting). Potatoes are lifted as needed, will not harvest balance until after 2nd frost. Tomatoes (still harvesting) we have enough paste and soup for 18 months. Cutting stuck for winter spring crop, variety is Defiant. Fall crop of Cucumbers variety Camaro, are bearing nicely. Winter Lettuce Larissa planted.

Asian Pears are swelling nicely, the European Pears have been mostly eaten by Wasps. Only 3 types had set, so they were quickly finished off. Maybe it is the thickness of the skin/peel that makes the difference, or perhaps the sugar content at that time of year. A good reason to have 29? different varieties, always have plenty to eat yourself.

We thank Silver Creek Nursery for identifying our red Maxine Pear as Red Anjou. Not a variety they grow normally.

Still lots to do, starting with pot up all the temperate plants, check them for any pest or disease issues. Fertilizer applied in Spring will be depleted. Stake, prune and trim during this warm weather, ideal to dry up the wounds before winter. Look forward to harvest your own temperate fruits from the comfort of your own living room. Could not be more ‘locally’ grown.

We have two more open houses during September on Saturday’s. After those we will be accepting visitors by appointment only.

Thank you.

Week 36 Photo Update