
Did Someone Say Citrus??

The 2019 Citrus Pre-Order list is now available for viewing!

Building on the overwhelming success of our 2018 customized citrus ordering, we are pleased to offer it now for 2019!

All varieties ordered last year were supplied. Now is the time to considered what citrus trees you want to order for next year. You may book your order now. Please see our expanded list of varieties available.

The cost per tree is $56. In January you will be contacted to confirm your order with a 50% deposit. Plants will arrive here in April and be grown on in 2 gallon pots. They will be ready for pick up in June.

Please email us at with any questions.

Week 9 Garden Update

Tomato Defiant (in Photo) plants are cuttings from last years plant. The stump had thrown up these two shoots, so we decided to root them. This works with all types of tomatoes. Take shoots that are not truss shoots from lower down the plant during season. Root them for a late crop. If it’s a damp, cool year, only use those varieties that are resistant to early and late blight. We have found Defiant works well in the garden or in a protected environment.

Also sown this week: Tomatoes Cobra for greenhouse; we keep to single stem, Mountain Magic for outside, Mountain Merit for outside and Siderno for pots. Lettuce Larissa, (short day type) therefore winter season only. Grow cool under short days or will bolt.

When you buy your seed, there is always more than you need at any one time. If you need 4 plants and have 2 varieties, then sow no more than 3 of each. Pick the best two and discard the third (or give to friend). When sown, roll end of packet over and place in a plastic lunch bag (with all other left over seed), seal and place in your fridge door. Do not freeze seed, as this can lead to desiccation. We have kept seed up to 10 years with little fall off in germination %.

February brought us 1/3rd more moisture than average, so the garden is up to capacity. Itching now to start getting the ground prepared for first outdoor sowing’s.

February 17, 2018 Update


Sunlight at last after days of cloud and snow! We have 20 types of citrus, in blossom or bud. You can imagine the scent every morning! Not all types we have in blossom or fruit are available this season. It is always best to have a good selection on hand to extend your season and helps when Nature throws different weather at us to have at least one or two varieties to fill the gap. There is nothing more frustrating than missing a pollination event due to weather, and having to wait a full 12 months to see what happens next time!

These are our Citrus varieties that are still in Fruit:

Lemons: Meyer, Lisbon, Eureka & Ponderosa.
Orange: Moro, Calamondin, Pineapple, Midsweet, Lane Late & Valencia.
Grapefruit: Flame.
Lime: Keylime.
Mandarin: Fina Sodea.
Tangerine: Sunburst.

2018 Citrus Pre-Order Now Open!

Our 2018 Citrus Pre-Order Is Now Open!

Tropic of Canada is pleased to present our 2018 Citrus Pre-Order Availability List from Harris Partnership Citrus Nursery in Florida USA. All plants are USDA/CFIA certified. All DWARF varieties offered are grafted onto dwarfing rootstock, which makes them much better suited for in-home growing (less space required!).

Prices are uniform for each variety, and plants are offered in 3 pot sizes:

2GAL – $50
3GAL – $80
5GAL – $110

Please see the availability list for plant descriptions, and size availability. Availability is subject to change as plants are sold, so order early to avoid disappointment! Full order details can been seen on the website.

Week 48 Update

With this continued ‘early fall’ weather, a lot of plants are struggling to stay dormant. The hardier plants suffered the most from the sharp frost a few weeks ago, with some varieties showing signs of tip die-back already. Hopefully this warm weather does not last so the garden can rest for a few months.

But not all is lost, this is where your ‘fruiting house plants’ step forward. This week we have started to harvest Guava, Lemons, Grapefruit, Pummelo and Oranges. Most of these plants are only in their third year, so many harvests yet to come.

We have taken this time of slow down in garden work to reap the benefit of summer. Yes, it time to make Jams and Jellies from the fruits that we were not able to eat during the summer. First batch included; Strawberry, Blueberry (fruit) and Grape (Juice for sweetener), Blackberry Jelly and Marmalade (Calamondin).

Not everything needs to be processed, frozen Strawberries, Melon, Raspberries and Blueberries we put straight into home made Yogourt, makes a great breakfast of desert.


Is it really October, Friday 13th???

Yes, all taken today- even the Pomegranate Salavatski!

Garden update

Summer harvest now well underway; Tomatoes, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peas, Beetroot, Celery, Lemons, Oranges, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Broccoli, Carrot, Radish, Raspberries (Red, Gold, Black), Haskap, Onions.

End of June finishes the heartbreak of June drop. Quite a lot this year, with Plum and Apricot almost totally gone. Apples, Pears and Quince first crop in third year of our orchard. The Niagara grape (wrongly named) as usual, even with preventative spraying, succumbed to mildew. Had enough, so plants will have been removed.

Maybe July will bring old fashioned stable weather, i.e. hot during the week and rainy on weekends. We have only had just over 1.1″ of rain during June. Only .03″ – .05″ per night, non during the day. Yes, just enough to keep the foliage damp, but not enough to water the soil. Yes, we have rain barrels (2600 gals), so we’re able to provide the plants with enough to grow.

Week 25 Garden Info

Over the previous 2 weeks some of the harvest would be; Ananas, Asparagus, Brocolli (Bay Meadows, Emerald Crown, Emerald Pride & Emerald Jewel.), Citrus (Meyer & Eureka lemon, Moro Blood Orange), Haskap (Aurora, Borealis, Berry Blue & Tundra), Lettuce (Skyphos & P173N), Radish (var Cherriette & French Breakfast), Rhubarb, Strawberry (var Fresca), Tomato (Defiant, Clarance, Cobra, Black Cherry, Tomassio and Sub Arctic Maxi), Onion, Leek, Tomatoes, and Potatoes!

Peas are growing well. The beans and celery are suffering and in need of rain. This area has seen none for past 2 weeks. Only a 1cm fall, then 2 weeks of nothing, then back to again 1cm. In the meantime plenty of windy 24’c plus days drying everything out. Aphids showing themselves throughout the garden, followed very closely by Ladybugs, their eggs and larvae. Natures Balance!!

Please send Rain.