
Plant Delays

After 2 successful trips stateside to pick up our plants, we have hit a delay on our third. Unfortunately the truck has broken down, and Phill & Steph are awaiting a new part before they can resume their trip. It is a holiday weekend in the US, so we’re looking at Tuesday at the earliest for repair. We’ll keep you posted, and let you know once they have resumed their trip to Pine Island Nursery.

Tropic of Canada Walk Through May 16th, 2022

The plants have just arrived from Camellia Forest Nursery, A Natural Farm, Agri-Starts, and Harris Citrus! Please enjoy this walking tour showing how everything looks right after arriving, as well as our established garden. We are open by appointment, and welcome visitors!

1st Trip Success!

They’re back! Phill & Steph successfully completed their first round trip across the border! Michelle & Keith will be spending the next few days sorting, organizing, and then contacting those whose complete orders have arrived. Please have patience as there are a LOT of plants, and just a few of us!

Picked up in this trip were our orders from Camellia Forest Nursery, A Natural Farm, Agri-Starts, and Harris Citrus Nursery!

Phill & Steph plan to head out again Wednesday, all things permitting for our second run ?
If you missed out on the pre-order, fear not! Our spring 2022 on hand reservation list is live! Quantities update as plants are claimed – reserve early to ensure you don’t miss out! >>


And They’re Off!

Today is the first official trip for our new truck! Phill & Steph have safely crossed the border, and will be heading to sunny Florida to pick up our first batch of plants. We wish them a smooth trip, and look forward to their return in a few days time. We’ll keep you posted!

New Vanilla Varieties!

Our new Vanilla Stock plants have arrived! Boy oh boy has it been a challenge to try and find sellers. Many persons who have them, wouldn’t ship to us, but they also refused to tell us their source or supplier, which was incredibly frustrating on our end.
We ended up going retail, and were able to find these three cuttings from Brads Greenhouse , that’s all that was available! We started off with one Planifolia Variegata in much the same way, from Ecouarium last year, and we’ll do it again with our new varieties: please welcome Pompona and Odorata!
As small, 3 node cuttings, these will take time to establish and propagate. But we are excited to have found these few plants, and look forward to offering them for the 2023 season. As with our Planifolia’s, they will be offered as well established plants, and not starter cuttings 🙂